David Schweitzer
Mercis BV / Blue Zoo

Miffy is known all around the world, thanks to Dick Bruna’s beautifully simple illustrations, which he first produced back in 1955. So I was really excited when I was approached to score a brand new Miffy series for 2015. This was the first time Miffy had been turned into CGI, at which many people (myself included) might gasp and say ‘NO!!’… But thanks to the excellent team at BlueZoo, the result is a really lovely animated world, which stays true to the original design while bringing in a whole range of expression and emotion.
The Miffy design ethos is all about simplicity, using a very minimal palette of solid colours and that is something I tried to echo in the score. There are rarely more than a handful of instruments at any one time, and the music is playful with simple clean melodies, which nevertheless sometimes go off in unpredictable directions.
Very young kids were brought in to voice the characters, which really helped make it feel fresh and charming. I also used lots of ‘toy’ instruments in the score, many of which I recorded live to give a purer, more organic feel to the music.
Series one has been going out all around the world for a year or so now and is winning a lot of fans… so much so that we are already working hard on a second series.
52 x 7 minutes (series 1)
26 x 7 minutes (series 2)
Producer: Blue Zoo / Mercis BV
Director: Adam Shaw & Chris Drew
Channels: TinyPop (UK), ABC Kids (Australia), KRO (Netherlands)