David Schweitzer
Hit Entertainment
Bob the Builder

Bob’s been a household name ever since he starting building and fixing stuff back in 1998. Many series later and following a complete makeover of the look and feel of the show, I was asked to create the score for Bob in 2015.
There’s a lot of drama and action in every episode as things generally fall apart quite catastrophically before Bob and his team manage to sort it out again. Can they fix it? Yes they can!
Electric guitars felt right for the new Bob and I wanted to bring a level of energy and excitement to the music as well as really upping the emotional and intensity with big orchestral moments at crisis points! It’s already been a huge success both on Milkshake here in the UK and on PBS in the US as well as elsewhere.
I’ll upload some tracks from this show as soon as I get the chance.
104 x 11 minutes
1 x 1 hours special
Director: Stuart Evans
Producer: Fred de Bradeny (Hit Entertainment)