David Schweitzer
Buy Now! (on Netflix)
I am so excited that this great film is out now on Netflix. Buy Now: The Shopping Conspiracy is a fascinating look at the ways and means by which mass consumerism is encouraged by big corporations, with whistleblowers from the tech, fashion and e-commerce industries. Please do check it out before you go on an unnecessary Black Friday splurge!
It was a pleasure to work with the (Emmy-winning) Nic Stacey and (Oscar-winning) Grain Media on this project, alongside editor Sam Santana. It was a really fun score to write – as well as a lot of original score (and even a song), I also created quite a few glitchy reworkings of famous classical pieces (thanks to Flora Curzon for her excellent Danse Macabre rendition!). I’m grateful to the assistance of Gus Nicholson (my assistant), Steve Hickling (some cool sound creation), DJ Raff (who made a couple of great remixes of my tracks), and Marcin Mazurek (vocal editing).
The film only came out a few days ago but it’s doing really well (currently #2 on the film chart in US, UK and many other countries), and it’s main message seems to be really resonating with people. So while we don’t expect it to change the world, perhaps it can change the habits of a few of us who are much too addicted to shiny new things we don’t really need (and I’m ashamed to say I include myself in that group!)
A few people have already asked about a soundtrack album. At the moment, Netflix have said no to this, but if the film does really well, and I will nag them again to release the music on Spotify etc! In any case, when I have a moment, I’ll write a bit more about the project and post some of the tracks here for anyone interested!
UPDATE Feb 07 2025: The Buy Now! Soundtrack is out now on all major music streaming services! I hope you enjoy. I have included links and written a bit more about it on the main Buy Now! page on this site.