David Schweitzer
WWII score wins an Emmy!
I’ve won an Emmy!! I was incredibly excited to pick up this wonderful (and surprisingly heavy) piece of metal for the music to World War II: From the Frontlines last week at the Documentary Emmys in New York. Thanks to Netflix and 72 Films (especially Rob Coldstream) for asking me to work on this fantastic series, and to all the brilliant musicians who helped me with the score: Jon Wigeons, Gus Nicholson, Alec Roberts, Flora Curzon, Nick Holland, the Fames Orchestra in Macedonia, and Darrell, Aria & Ollie at Cool Music. It was also lovely to spend a couple of days in NYC with Mary to celebrate.

Delighted to say that my score for World War II: From the Frontlines (for Netflix) has been nominated for Outstanding Music for a Documentary at this years News & Documentary Emmy Awards. It’s a series and a score that I poured a lot of love (and work) into, and was so proud of how it turned out so this is very gratifying. And I’m delighted the series picked up nominations in other categories too…

I wrote at length already about scoring this series, so you can read more of my ramblings about it by clicking here.
I was lucky enough to be nominated for this prestigious award (though not lucky enough to win!!) a couple of years ago for my score for 9/11: One Day in America. This is in fact my 3rd Emmy nomination, as many years back I was nominated for best TV theme tune for The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That at the Daytime Emmys!