David Schweitzer
Our Great National Parks
If you’re in the mood to watch some tv, please consider checking out ‘Our Great National Parks’, presented by none other than Barack Obama which has just arrived on Netflix. As well as hearing the former president’s dulcet tones, and seeing some glorious landscapes and creatures, you’ll get to hear my music for the series. I wrote this soundtrack over much of last year and it took quite a bit of writing as there is a LOT of music over the five episodes. I was lucky enough to record the score over five days with an orchestra as well as calling on the talents of many amazing soloists. The soundtrack is also out now on Spotify and all the other places soundtracks can be found.
Thank you to all the directors and producers on the series, but on the music side, a particular thanks to:
Dan Baboulene, my invaluable assistant; Alec Roberts, orchestrator extraordinaire! Olga Fitzroy, Paul Golding and Jake Jackson, wonderful mixers all; Fames Orchestra in Macedonia; Flora Curzon, violin; Nick Holland, cello; Eurielle, vocals; Graeme Flowers, trumpet; Andy Findon, flutes. Sorry if I’ve missed anyone!!
I hope you enjoy it. I’ll write a more thorough post on this site when I get a moment.