David Schweitzer
The Truth vs Alex Jones
The Truth Vs Alex Jones is a harrowing but brilliant film following the Alex Jones / Sandy Hook trials in Texas and Connecticut the US. The film premiered a few weeks ago at the SxSW festival and came out on HBO Max on March 26. Directed by Dan Reed (Leaving Neverland), the Hollywood Reporter described it as ‘a vivid portrait of a villain on trial’, and the film has received excellent reviews in the US.
The case is not as well known in the UK as it is across the Atlantic, and I’m afraid I have no idea yet when it’ll be available over here, but do keep an eye out for it as the film is well worth a watch. I will also write a little about the score I wrote for the film as soon as I get a few hours off!
I would like to thank the excellent Mark Russell for assisting me with the score on this project, and regular collaborators Nick Holland and Flora Curzon for playing some excellent violin and cello.