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David Schweitzer


Vietnam (on Apple TV+)

I am very proud to have written the score for Vietnam: The War That Changed America which came out recently on Apple TV+

Fifty years since the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam war, this incredible six-part series, narrated by Ethan Hawke, unveils new footage and new perspectives. With a focus on individual human stories from the conflict rather than a comprehensive overview, it is by turns gripping, harrowing and emotional.

I’d like to thank all the people at 72 Films, particularly director Rob Coldstream and series producer Caroline Marsden as well as Vaudeville for the sound mix. On the music side, thank you to soloists Nick Holland and Flora Curzon for their fabulous playing, Steve Hickling for additional sound design, and – most especially – Mark Russell for his invaluable assistance and additional music on the series. Please have a watch when you can!

Vietnam (on Apple TV+)