David Schweitzer

I got into writing music through songs and, as well as writing loads of theme tunes for tv and film projects, I still love writing and performing songs for their own sake. It’s been an great way for me to deal with the trauma in my life, such as my complicated relationship with elves (see Song for the Elves), and other inappropriate attachments (see Bestfriend’s Girlfriend)
One really nice project that I worked on a few years ago was a commission by the Tate Gallery to write an album of songs about art and artists for kids. I collaborated with Mary Richards (art publisher and writer) and we produced the ‘ArtSongs’ album under the moniker of Agnes & Aubrey. It sold a few thousand copies back when albums still existed in the physical world, and the songs are now available on Spotify or iTunes (though I’ve included a few here too). Sadly you’ll miss out on Jim le Fevre’s fantastic artwork which accompanied the CD (see pic above for an example).
More recently I launched a new band, called in analysis, which I’m really excited about. We encourage people to anonymously contribute their own thoughts and stories so they can be turned into songs. Our inaugural topic was ‘mothers’ (who doesn’t have something to say on that subject!) and we made a record of 11 songs all based on anonymous posts made to the website. You can listen to these songs on the in analysis website or on Spotify.
The second album is about LOVE so if you have any thoughts on that subject, do please feel free to go there and make an anonymous contribution! This record was meant to be finished in 2020, but I’ve been so busy with the soundtracks in the last couple of years that I haven’t had a chance to complete it yet, though four songs are up on the site already.
Please sign up to the in analysis mailing list to hear about new releases and (when the world allows) gigs, which we were planning before lockdown struck!